Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Out there somewhere

I always start out with the best intentions. I begin writing everyday, and I always start out so strong. Then little things start to come up and I forget to write one day and one day turns into two... three... four.... And then I lose confidence in what I am writing about. I am desperately trying to fight this tendency and keep writing to you on a regular basis.

This has become something important to me because me writing you letters and hoping beyond hope that you exist somewhere out there keeps my heart somewhat satisfied and keeps me from settling with the guys that reside here with me in Lubbock, TX. Not to say that there aren't nice guys out here... I just know in my heart of hearts that you aren't here. I know that God can use me anywhere, and that if I do things that He tells me to do, I'll end up having a better life than I can even begin to anticipate. That's why I firmly believe that you are out there and that I'll find you when I finally leave Lubbock.

My friends and coworkers tell me constantly that I am too picky and that it'll take me forever to find you if I keep this bullheaded approach. I don't really care though. I'm stubborn by nature in everything and this - finding the person I am meant to be with - should be no exception. I want to be as sure as I can that my someone (you, whoever you might be) is as good a match as I can find and is in the relationship for the long haul, that I won't be just a game to him, or some conquest.

For all I know, you could be right around the corner or maybe (though I highly doubt this) I've met you and have known you for x amount of time or possibly I won't meet you for years to come. Until then, I'll wait and watch for you. Maybe you'll surprise me and catch me off guard.


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