For my Undiscovered Love,
Today, on a whim, I decided to search for synonyms of Unknown. Strange, I know, but I found several that I really enjoy. Case and point, undiscovered. Hidden, little-known, nameless, unexplored, unheard-of, unidentified, unnamed, unperceived, unrecognized, and last but not least, unrevealed. All of these describe exactly what you are to me at this moment. I am aware that somewhere out there, you are living your life, perhaps searching for me, perhaps you are perfectly content with your life the way it is. I certainly don't mind if you are just living your life without a clue that I am out in the world. It means that you are happy and satisfied right now, which I love the thought of. I want nothing more for you than to be simply happy and satisfied and one day I hope to be a part of that happiness. For now, I have to be content with the idea that you are that way at this moment, though I am not there with you.
On a day to day basis, there are so many things that would be made better if they could include you. I'd be more prone to be better about chores if you were there to sit and talk with me while I wash the dishes. Who knows, you might not even have to talk with me, I'd be happy to look over and see you laid out on the sofa, reading a book, watching tv, or possibly napping ever so peacefully. Picturing it puts a smile on my face and gives peace to my heart. Such simple dreams of mine should be easily attained. I don't need a big fancy house and you don't need to be absolutely perfect in the world's eyes. You'll be perfect for me... and... I know that I am imperfect... so, because of that you don't have to fit all of these crazy standards girls seem to have these days. But even though I don't have the absurd standards that run rampant in the female mind, I'm not going to settle for less than I deserve. And dearest, that is why I wait so patiently for you to come into my life. You are what I need, what I want, what I deserve. And you're out there... somewhere...
I don't know... maybe I've found you already. Maybe you're still out there somewhere. All I know is that whenever you make yourself known to me is when the world will make sense and when all will fall into place. Life won't get any easier, but it will certainly be more enjoyable.
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